Can EZ Street cold asphalt help make repairs where other products have failed?
Welcome to the Wave Car Wash in Centralia, Washington. It’s much like car washes everywhere: a harsh and intense microclimate that can wreak havoc on pavement. Hot water, cleaning agents, high heat and vehicular traffic all take their toll. At The Wave in particular, the resulting pavement damage had already been repaired with another product—and the repair had failed.
So, nobody was sure what to expect when a car wash employee was sent to repair the damage with EZ Street cold asphalt. At first blush, this was a piece of cake. Even for someone who works in a car wash and has no background in asphalt contracting. Could it really be this easy? Just go the hole, sweep out any debris, and pour in the EZ Street product. (Notice the missing step: removing any water and letting the hole dry. Necessary with conventional products, removing water is utterly unnecessary with EZ Street asphalt. EZ Street’s polymer-modified asphalt blend displaces any water in the hole.) After putting the asphalt in the hole and compacting it with a hand tamp, the employee just walked away. The only thing he left behind: a guaranteed permanent pothole repair. EZ Street cold asphalt: showing potholes who’s boss—even at the car wash.